Provided by Allen Browne, Nov 2007. Last updated: Feb 2011.
Soundex is a standard algorithm for finding names that sound alike. Access does not have a built-in Soundex function, but you can create one easily and use it inexact matches.
To use in your database:
You can now user the Soundex() function like any built-in function. The screenshot shows how to find the clients whose Surname matches the txtName box on Form1.
For background information on Soundex, and an explanation of how the algorithm works, see
Update Feb 2011: Albert Kallal (MS Access MVP) has another version of Soundex for use in web forms (introduced in Access 2010. See A Soundex Search for Access Web services.
Public Function Soundex(varText As Variant) As Variant On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Purpose: Return Soundex value for the text passed in. 'Return: Soundex code, or Null for Error, Null or zero-length string. 'Argument: The value to generate the Soundex for. 'Author: Allen Browne (, November 2007. 'Algorithm: Based on Dim strSource As String 'varText as a string. Dim strOut As String 'Output string to build up. Dim strValue As String 'Value for current character. Dim strPriorValue As String 'Value for previous character. Dim lngPos As Long 'Position in source string 'Do not process Error, Null, or zero-length strings. If Not IsError(varText) Then strSource = Trim$(Nz(varText, vbNullString)) If strSource <> vbNullString Then 'Retain the initial character, and process from 2nd. strOut = Left$(strSource, 1&) strPriorValue = SoundexValue(strOut) lngPos = 2& 'Examine a character at a time, until we output 4 characters. Do strValue = SoundexValue(Mid$(strSource, lngPos, 1&)) 'Omit repeating values (except the zero for padding.) If ((strValue <> strPriorValue) And (strValue <> vbNullString)) Or (strValue = "0") Then strOut = strOut & strValue strPriorValue = strValue End If lngPos = lngPos + 1& Loop Until Len(strOut) >= 4& End If End If 'Return the output string, or Null if nothing generated. If strOut <> vbNullString Then Soundex = strOut Else Soundex = Null End If Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Soundex()" 'Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, conMod & ".Soundex") Resume Exit_Handler End Function Private Function SoundexValue(strChar As String) As String Select Case strChar Case "B", "F", "P", "V" SoundexValue = "1" Case "C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z" SoundexValue = "2" Case "D", "T" SoundexValue = "3" Case "L" SoundexValue = "4" Case "M", "N" SoundexValue = "5" Case "R" SoundexValue = "6" Case vbNullString 'Pad trailing zeros if no more characters. SoundexValue = "0" Case Else 'Return nothing for "A", "E", "H", "I", "O", "U", "W", "Y", non-alpha. End Select End Function
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